Background stuff . . .

I was born in Livingstone, N. Rhodesia –– a stone's throw from the Victoria Falls . . . commonly-known in Lozi: Mosi-oa-Tunya, "The Smoke That Thunders"; Tonga: Shungu Namutitima, "Boiling Water")
Thomas Baines and David Livingstone were the first white men to happen upon The smoke that thunders –– Baines painted the scenes below.
My talented nephew, Murray Iversen shot the wildlife photos . . .

Thomas Baines, painter and explorer 1820 – 1875
In 1858 Baines accompanied David Livingstone along the Zambezi, and was one of the first white men to view the Victoria Falls. In 1869 Baines led one of the first gold prospecting expeditions to Mashonaland in what later became Rhodesia.

Wildlife photographs by Murray Iversen, a world traveller and entrepreneur.
Murray Iversen resides in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Catch him on Instagram